Go Nawaz Go on Fire ! Took its place on Wikipedia


Go Nawaz Go on Wikipedia

The serenade '#Go Nawaz Go!' has been resounding crosswise over Pakistan for quite a long time and now, it has additionally made it to Wikipedia. wow :-P


Under the title '#Go Nawaz Go (trademark)', an overall organized and entirely according to Wikipedia rules, the page portrays the scandalous serenade and its social impacts.

The trademark has turned into a faction hit in Pakistan and the administration has taken action against its use, making captures and according to unsubstantiated reports government proceeded to teach the PTA to square any SMS messages which contain the 'Go Nawaz Go' characters. Be that as it may, that has not halted it from turning into a standout among the most famous social networking hash tags of 2014 (Mostly on Facebook).
Go Nawaz Go was a slogan Started as a motion by Imran Khan (President of PTI) to oppose the President of Pakistan (Mr. Nawaz Shareef) saying " He is involved in extreme vandalism to destruct the public property". The reason of popularity of this slogan was the Azadi March holding Imran Khan started on 14 August 2014 and claiming to extend it till Pakistan's President resigns.

Normally, pages like these are erased referring to reasons like "Vandalism" and 'Assault page or antagonistic UN-sourced life story of living persons' and that is the thing which happened when some individuals attempted to make it back in September and October.It's authoritatively part of Pakistan's political phrasing as per Wikipedia and considering that Wikipedia Pakistan's twitter handle particularly tweeted about the page, we question that it is going to vanish from Wikipedia whenever soon.


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