Facebook Hacking
Now a days, Facebook is having the Biggest database of People all around the World. Facebook is attaining the Popularity as it is giving interests of All types of People either for personal use or Business Promotion. Due to this popularity, the hacking of Facebook also getting popular. Different softwares and tricks are used to hack Facebook and surely you don't want to see your Facebook Hacked ?? So read my Article Below..
How to save Facebook account from Hacking?
To save your Facebook account from Hacking, Just follow the Three steps below..
- Login to your Facebook Account, Click Me
- Now click the
Upper-Right corner. You will see the drop down box. Click on "Account Settings" and Follow the reffered picture below.
3. Now Click on the "Security" and then you'll see the several options for Securing your account. See the referred picture below.
- First of All turn the "Secure browsing" on, It will save your Facebook account from Keyloggers while you'r Logging In
- Now come to the "Login Aprovals". When you enable this, no One will be able to access your account from any browser except One which you've saved as Default. If anyone will try to access then he must need the security code which you'll get on your Phone.
- The most reliable and powerful security is the "Recognision of Devices" to Facebook database. You can see the option to "Save Device" while you want to logging in to your Account. If you'll save it one time on either Mobile or Pc then will save in Facebook database and will not allow anyone to login from any other Device.
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