Simple SEO Tips For Blogger

Dear Friends, As we know the importance of SEO either in Blogger or Other platform. It plays very important role if you want your blog/Company Website on First Ranking on the Search Engines.

What is SEO?
SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) it the tool/Trick to increase your Blog / Website's Ranking so it'll appear on first number or page on related Searches.

SEO Tips for Blogger
Now you will learn SEO Tips for Blogger. As Blogger is in Simple HTML then its looking Easy to increase ranking as Google also helps us to do this, but you've to Follow the Simple Steps to do so.

    1. Generate your Meta tags and put it in HTML, Meta Tag Generator
    2. After managing Meta Tags you have to create the Blog Interface user-friendly
    3. Your Blog Content should be in manners of the relative language
    4. One of the Most Important thing is that, your Blog Content must have the wordings which are very Popular on Search Engines. For this Purpose you can use Google Trends
    5. Try to Add pictures in your Blog which must related to your Blog Content and Add related tags in your Pictures, due to this  you will also get traffic from Image Searches
    6. While Writing Content try to give your Website Link which will help in creating Back-links for your Website
    7. To Increase the Backlinks Try to create your Blog's social Community. It will be very helpful for you
    8. While referring do not Shrink your Website Link like or etc
These are the Basic Steps to do for your Blog. Its my experience and working tricks also. If you love my Writing then please subscribe my Blog Feeds to get the updated tips Daily.


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