What are Sensitive Categories in Adsense?


Sensitive categories

Sensitive categories are filter of categories of the Ads in Adsense which will be placed on your Blog by different Advertisers. Sensitive categories play Important role in Adsense Management either in Reputation and in CPC (Cost-per-click) too. You can chose the category of Ads to be posted on your Blog, i.e; if you have Political blog then you can Block the ads containing Religion which will increase the clicks, click rate and as well as the reputation of your Blog.

How to reach Sensitive Categories in Adsense?

If you want to find Sensitive categories in Adsense then please follow the below procedure Step By Step.

Step 1

Goto Adsense Sign In Page and Sign In to your account.

Step 2

Goto the "Allow & block ads" and click on "Sensitive categories" as given below in the Picture.

Step 3

Allow & block ads according to your blog content and enjoy the best CPC.

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