Simple Tips to make money from your Website / Blog

Friends Wanna share you something,,,, There're some people claiming the Alternates of Google, I've 5 years of Experience in BLogging, According to me,,,, I din't find any Alternate (more good output) of Google.
Some Tips

If you've not any Adsense account even receiving enough visitors then obviously you're missing something that Google wants. But inspite of that you can earn from your website by using the following ways, even I din't consider them the real alternate of Adsense but you can earn handsome amount.
1) Use Fiver and Get Direct Advertising Clients and work on daily, weekly monthly and yearly basis and make them your permanent client by providing them good services with enough sincerity.
(I tried on most of my Blogs, got enough Orders who want to put Ads on my site, Mostly worked on weekly and monthly basis - Maximum Earning (400$ a month)

2) The 2nd way which i want to share just depends upon your Visitors quality and type of traffic. Like if u've a Blog on following Niches

Books, Movies, TV Shows, Online TV and blah blah where you can't get approval of any advertising agency like Adsense, you can put Sale Base Advertisements like i did.. Drag real traffic from any source and help them to get sales, you will get very good commission for selling their products.. Like and blah blah... I tried many networks and got success but i'll suggest you the above given .....

And Ad-center is very good network... Sometime i use to get 43$ commission on a single sale and 've about 20-30K visitors on Movies blog and got 20-25 sales a day. Alhamdulillah...

Try it once guys ;) In Sha ALlah you'll get your destination ;)

Hope it will help you IN REAL.... :)


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