How freelancers are cost effective for a Website Development job

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Evеrуоnе nееdѕ a wеbѕitе today аnd уоu nееd to be еxtrеmеlу ѕmаrt tо ѕеll уоur рrоduсtѕ аnd services through the intеrnеt. Thеrе аrе a milliоn оf websites already in buѕinеѕѕ ѕеlling thе same thingѕ that are аlѕо рrоmоting. Fоr thiѕ, уоu need to do something extra аnd ѕресiаl and that iѕ why уоu need innovative wеb designers tо dеѕign уоur buѕinеѕѕ website. No doubt a whole lot of people and companies offer web design service but experience has shown that the best results can be achieved from web design freelancers. Realising that they work from home and have limited clients, they strive hard to deliver flawless services and offer revisions as much as possible. As a result, I call them innovative/creative web designers.
Thе firѕt thing that саn bе ѕаid in favour оf creative wеb dеѕignеrѕ iѕ that thеу соnduсt thеir own research to frаmе уоur wеbѕitе. Thеу tаkе саrе оf the fасt that уоu get mаximum trаffiс through уоur wеbѕitе by organizing еvеrуthing in the bеѕt роѕѕiblе wау. Thiѕ iѕ whу these dеѕignеrѕ are an asset fоr any buѕinеѕѕ firm.
Thеѕе innоvаtivе dеѕignеrѕ сrеаtе уоur wеbѕitе ѕuсh thаt thеу have a professional lооk in thе most аttrасtivе wау. Thiѕ givеѕ your wеbѕitе аn impressive lооk whiсh iѕ thе bаѕiѕ of арреаl to any lay mаn. The look оf уоur ѕitе is thе firѕt thing thаt nееdѕ tо bе considered which can draw a lot оf trаffiс. This аgаin еnѕurеѕ hеftу rеvеnuе gеnеrаtiоn fоr аnу website with higher conversion rаtеѕ.
Fоr thiѕ kind оf revenue generation, аn inventive Freelance website dеѕignеr will format a wеbѕitе fоr your tаrgеt audience. Thеу will gеаr it uр with riсh lоgоѕ аnd frеѕh content. They аlѕо make ѕurе thаt the соntеnt iѕ uрdаtеd on a regular basis. Alоng with thiѕ thеу uрdаtе уоur buѕinеѕѕ website frequently.
Mоrеоvеr thеѕе rеѕоurсеful designers are соѕt еffесtivе. Thеу dо nоt charge уоu more, еѕресiаllу if you are hiring a frееlаnсеr. Thеу can work аnу hоurѕ уоu want them tо аnd they аrе dedicated tо уоur рrоjесt fоr a bеttеr understanding of уоur рrоduсtѕ аnd services in mоѕt of thе саѕеѕ. On tор оf everything уоu mау get уоur wеbѕitе finiѕhеd fаѕtеr bесаuѕе thеу аrе wоrking оn оnе рrоjесt at a timе in gеnеrаl.
Of соurѕе thеѕе innоvаtivе wеb dеѕignеrѕ like other designers, аlѕо cater tо the needs of рrоblеm ѕоlving. Thеу trоublеѕhооt tо take саrе of tесhniсаl and lоgiсаl еrrоrѕ as wеll. Nоt оnlу this, they also provide fоr the mаintеnаnсе оf уоur website dеѕign whiсh соmеѕ hаndу in thе lоng run. As a rеѕult, thеу аrе аt уоur ѕеrviсе whenever thеrе iѕ a problem with уоur wеbѕitе.

In соnсluѕiоn, it саn bе said thаt уоu need these сrеаtivе bunch оf wеb dеѕignеrѕ for that еxtrа required fоr уоur internet mаrkеting. Remember one thing for ѕurе that уоu need innovative wеb dеѕignеrѕ tо dеѕign your business wеbѕitе tо аttrасt mоrе trаffiс tоwаrdѕ уоur wеbѕitе. Mаkе ѕurе thаt you gеt some gооd аnd еxреriеnсеd wеb designers for уоur website.

Why my Fiverr account banned - Stop getting Fiverr account ban

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I got my Fiverr account banned! i experienced a lot from this ban,, let me share some, might be helpful for you.
Its not like that Fiverr was wrong at all, no!! don't worry & stop losing trust on Fiverr. Its Still a good platform. I've figured the reasons out!!
There was a project & that was one of the best worthy for me in my Fiverr's History.
I completed the work but buyer was unavailable but couple of points left which was impossible without client's collaboration, i've been waiting for him & keep that for long time. The tick tick was close to end up,.... at the end of the day, it did. I put an extension offer but still buyer was unavailable & project was going to cancelled automatically (as far i remember). Then i decided to close (deliver) it & left a note.
I was going consummately & it worked, project completed! got the payment,,,, withdrew it. Now after long time (maybe after 3 months). He came back & still never responded to my arguments but contacted to fiverr directly. And i got my account banned.
Couple of things i've extracted from this whole incident.
My Mistake :
While delivering the project, i should be contacting Fiverr CS and letting them know that Buyer isn't responding (along with delivering the job).
2ndly fiverr's CS has contacted my 2 times that i should be completing the work. But i never paid any heed to opening
Fiverr's Mistake : It should've managed by Fiverr to ask client that he should be responding me actually!!
Anyways, this story might help you, so keep updated with That might be a helpful figure to you.

Email Marketing List Building - Best Techniques 2018

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If you’re doing any work online, you know email list building is one of the most important things to concentrate on. It’s the only medium you have complete control over and it allows you to build long term relationships people who would otherwise be complete strangers. The faster you build your list the faster you become a success no matter what niche you’re in. When they say the money is in the list, it’s not a joke. List Building Today: The World is a slightly different place Before, all you needed to do was throw up a popup asking for people to sign up to your list and voila, you’d probably get 100 subscribers a day. now, people are much more protective of their inbox because they’ve been spammed to death. Just like with everything else, you need to evolve with the times and take the bull by the horns or be left in the dust of your competition. With all the information out there on list building, it can be daunting to understand what really works and what will just waste your time.  In this guide, I’m going to give you all the tools, case studies, and information you need to become a list building master. The Ultimate Collection of the World’s Best List Building Strategies that Will Take you From Zero to a Million Without Wasting Time, Energy, or Resources. This guide is full of the best actionable list building strategies on the internet. If you follow ANY one of them then your list will grow without question.  While you’re growing that list of highly engaged subscribers, you need to nurture them so when you’re finally ready to sell your product, service, or membership they’ll be ready to buy. I prepared a PDF of the critical welcome email you can use to nurture your list and build lasting relationships on autopilot which you can get in the bonus section at the end of the post.         Table of Contents
List building may also will be your source to make money online by working from home.

  • Chapter 1: How to implement a Welcome Gate 
  • Chapter 2: How to Use Content Upgrades to get 500% more options 
  • Chapter 3: Using contests to get over 100,000 subscribers 
  • Chapter 4: Turn your 404 page into a Lead Magnet  
  • Chapter 5: The Right Way to Guest Post for List Building 
  • Chapter 6: How to Use Facebook Retargeting Pixels to Capture The 98% of Website Visitors that Leave too soon. 
  • Chapter 7 Exit Popups to double or triple your Options 
  • Chapter 8: List Building Resources             

Chapter 1: How to implement a Welcome Gate that actually gets people to subscribe to your list. A welcome gate is a tried and true method for list building, but there’s just one problem, most people don’t use it correctly and offer what no one really wants. If I join your mailing list, it’s because you’re giving me something I find valuable right away. Not because you want to send me weekly updates and promote products to me over the long term. Do it like the pros do it and give your audience exactly what they want. Resources: How To Create a Welcome Gate in Wordpress How I got 14,547 New Email Subscribers From One Page on my Site The Wordpress Plugin That Doubled my Conversions Welcome Gate Examples to Get your Juices Flowing      
Chapter 2: How to Use Content Upgrades to get 500% more options Content upgrades work very well and can be used to build a highly targeted and responsive list of subscribers for you. The secret to having an effective content upgrade is to make it complimentary to what your content is about. For example, a piece of content about how to bake a cake can be upgraded with a gated PDF about your favorite cake recipes. Resources: How To Add Content Upgrades in Wordpress and Grow Your Email List How We Used Content Upgrades to Increase Email Options 16x How I Increased My Conversion Rate by 300% Using Content Upgrades List Building Case Study: How to get 492% More Email Subscribers Why Content Upgrades are the Single Thing That Will Rock Your Email List Content Upgrades Pro: Create content Specific Bonuses (plugin)      
Chapter 3: Using contests to get over 100,000 subscribers Everybody loves a freebie, something that appeals directly to a want or a need they have. When you understand your audience, a contest can be one of the best ways to get thousands upon thousands of subscribers to join your list. When you do it right, your contestants will become brand ambassadors and make sure your contest goes viral. I’ve put together a few case studies of how to run a proper contest and a few resources that will improve the chances of it going viral. Resources 7 Essential Ingredients For Making Your Contests Go Viral Facebook Contest Traffic Formula: 10 Impressions to 49,953,075 impressions (with no ad spend) What I learned from Growing my Email List 3,418% (nearly 200k) In just 11 days How We gained 200,000 new emails giving away some dropbox accounts        
Chapter 4: Turn your 404 page into a Lead Magnet  Let’s face it, as your website grows, things get moved around and links get broken. Instead of having a 404 page that only tells your visitor the page they’re looking for has been deleted or moved to another location (talk about a depressing user experience), it’s an amazing opportunity to present them with something they would find valuable. It may take more than 5 minutes to set up, but it’s a permanent lead magnet for you and a place to show off your brand personality: Here are some of the best 404 pages I’ve seen and resources to make your own just as good. How to Create a Spectacular 404 Error Page What Makes a Great 404 Error Page? 40+ Free HTML 404 Error page Website Templates 30+ Best Free 404 HTML Templates Download Lego Error Page B3ta Error Page Example Viadeo Error Page Example    
Chapter 5: The Right Way to Guest Post for List Building A few years ago, Matt Cutts made us all afraid to guest post, but it’s still the best way to expand your audience and build authority in any niche you find yourself. What many people don’t do is use it with the intention of building a strong email list. Every guest post you do on a high authority site should net you a minimum of 200 new subscribers. Wondering how? Here are the strategies to use to get to that goal. Chapter 10: Guest Posting (The Advanced Guide to Link Building) How To Build Your Email List Through Smart Guest Blogging The Expanded Guest Post How to write the perfect Outreach Email: The 9 step Script for Emailing Busy People Rapid List Building With Guest Blogging List of 50+ Quality Blogs that Accept Guest Posts Ultimate List of Sites that Accept Guest Posts A Massive List of 200+ Blogs that Allow Guest Blogging    
Chapter 6: How to Use Facebook Retargeting Pixels to Capture The 98% of Website Visitors that Leave too soon. Using Facebook retargeting for list building is a little more advanced, but it can yield amazing results with a relatively small budget. You can get very targeted subscribers for as little as $.02, that’s a list of five thousand people with just 100 dollars. A rule of thumb is to make the retargeted advertisements highly relevant to the content your visitor checked out on your website. Resources: How I Created a 7425% ROI on  A Single Campaign, in 24 hours (Usually, I would give you multiple resources but this one is so comprehensive that you don’t need any other ones. Just replace the product ads with an opt-in offer and see email subscribers for as little as $0.01-$0.04)       Chapter 7: Exit Intent Popups to double or triple your Options People leave you website for a hundred different reasons. Maybe they’re done the reading, the content wasn’t relevant, or maybe they don’t have enough time to finish your 5000-word blog post. Whatever made your reader abandon the page, an exit intent popup is the last opportunity for you to try and salvage their contact information before they leave you for Good. Here are some resources and case studies for you to sink your teeth into: 11 Best Practices for Using Exit Intent Popups Top 9 Exit Intent Plugins How Digital Marketer Generated 2,689 Leads in 14 days using “On Site Retargeting” How We Increased our Email Subscribers 600% with Optin Monster How An Exit Overlay Drove a 9.81% increase in order Volume and 452% more email Subscribers          
Chapter 8: Must Have List Building Resources No matter how awesome you are, you can’t build an email list without some resources to aid in your journey. Here are just a few of the most important ones that you can never regret buying or subscribing for. Some of them will be out of your budget if you’re a beginner, but file them away for later and revisit them whenever you have a chance. Mailing List Providers Constant contact Infusionsoft Getresponse Aweber Landing page Creators Instapage Lead Pages IM Creator Lander Landing Wishpond PageWiz Unbounce Necessary Plugins   Optin monster Ninja Popups        

The best handbook to increase your subscribers

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If you’re doing any work online, you know email list building is one of the most important things to concentrate on. It’s the only medium you have complete control over and it allows you to build long term relationships people who would otherwise be complete strangers. The faster you build your list the faster you become a success no matter what niche you’re in. When they say the money is in the list, it’s not a joke.

List Building Today: The World is a slightly different place

Before, all you needed to do was throw up a popup asking for people to sign up to your list and voila, you’d probably get 100 subscribers a day. Now, people are much more protective of their inbox because they’ve been spammed to death. Just like with everything else, you need to evolve with the times and take the bull by the horn. Or you can be left in the dust of your competition. With all the information out there on list building, it can be daunting to understand what really works and what will just waste your time. In this guide, I’m going to give you all the tools, case studies, and information you need to become a list building master.

The Ultimate Collection of the World’s Best List Building Strategies that Will Take you From Zero to a Million Without Wasting Time, Energy, or Resources.

This guide is full of the best actionable list building strategies on the internet. If you follow ANY one of them then your list will grow without question. While you’re growing that list of highly engaged subscribers, you need to nurture them so when you’re finally ready to sell your product, service, or membership they’ll be ready to buy. Click me!

Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: How to implement a Welcome Gate Chapter 2: How to Use Content Upgrades to get 500% more options Chapter 3: Using contests to get over 100,000 subscribers Chapter 4: Turn your 404 page into a Lead Magnet Chapter 5: The Right Way to Guest Post for List Building Chapter 6: How to Use Facebook Retargeting Pixels to Capture The 98% of Website Visitors that Leave too soon. Chapter 7 Exit Popups to double or triple your Options Chapter 8: List Building Resources  

Chapter 1: How to implement a Welcome Gate that actually gets people to subscribe to your list.

  A welcome gate is a tried and true method for list building, but there’s just one problem, most people don’t use it correctly. They offer what no one really wants. If I join your mailing list, it’s because you’re giving me something I find valuable right away. Not because you want to send me weekly updates and promote products to me over the long term. Does it like the pros and give your audience exactly what they want? Resources: How To Create a Welcome Gate in Wordpress How I got 14,547 New Email Subscribers From One Page on my Site The Wordpress Plugin That Doubled my Conversions Welcome Gate Examples to Get your Juices Flowing  

Chapter 2: How to Use Content Upgrades to get 500% more opt-ins

Content upgrades work very well and can be used to build a highly targeted and responsive list of subscribers for you. The secret to having an effective content upgrade is to make it complimentary to what your content is about. For example, a piece of content about how to bake a cake can be upgraded with a gated PDF about your favorite cake recipes. Take a look at your most visited pages and decide where a content upgrade will make the best sense. Resources: How To Add Content Upgrades in Wordpress and Grow Your Email List How We Used Content Upgrades to Increase Email Options 16x How I Increased My Conversion Rate by 300% Using Content Upgrades List Building Case Study: How to get 492% More Email Subscribers Why Content Upgrades are the Single Thing That Will Rock Your Email List Content Upgrades Pro: Create content Specific Bonuses (plugin)

Chapter 3: Using contests to get over 100,000 subscribers

  Everybody loves a freebie, something that appeals directly to a want or a need they have. When you understand your audience, a contest can be one of the best ways to get thousands upon thousands of subscribers to join your list. When you do it right, your contestants will become brand ambassadors and make sure your contest goes viral. I’ve put together a few case studies of how to run a proper contest and a few resources that will improve the chances of your next one going viral. Resources 7 Essential Ingredients For Making Your Contests Go Viral Facebook Contest Traffic Formula: 10 Impressions to 49,953,075 impressions (with no ad spend) What I learned from Growing my Email List 3,418% (nearly 200k) In just 11 days How We gained 200,000 new emails giving away some dropbox accounts

Chapter 4: Turn your 404 page into a Lead Magnet

  Let’s face it, as your website grows, things get moved around and links get broken. Instead of having a 404 page that only tells your visitor the page they’re looking for has been deleted or moved to another location (talk about a depressing user experience). It’s an amazing opportunity to present them with something they would find valuable. It may take more than 5 minutes to set up, but it’s a permanent lead magnet for you and a place to show off your brand personality: Here are some of the best 404 pages I’ve seen and resources to make your own just as good. How to Create a Spectacular 404 Error Page What Makes a Great 404 Error Page? 30+ Best Free 404 HTML Templates Download My Own Error Page Lego Error Page B3ta Error Page Example Viadeo Error Page Example

Chapter 5: The Right Way to Guest Post for List Building

A few years ago, Matt Cutts made us all afraid to guest post, but it’s still the best way to expand your audience and build authority in any niche you find yourself. What many people don’t do is use it with the intention of building a strong email list. Every guest post you do on a high authority site should net you a minimum of 200 new subscribers. Wondering how? Here are the strategies to use to get to that goal. Chapter 10: Guest Posting (The Advanced Guide to Link Building) How To Build Your Email List Through Smart Guest Blogging The Expanded Guest Post How to write the perfect Outreach Email: The 9 step Script for Emailing Busy People Rapid List Building With Guest Blogging List of 50+ Quality Blogs that Accept Guest Posts Ultimate List of Sites that Accept Guest Posts A Massive List of 200+ Blogs that Allow Guest Blogging

Chapter 6: How to Use Facebook Retargeting Pixels to Capture The 98% of Website Visitors that Leave too soon.

Using Facebook retargeting for list building is a little more advanced, but it can yield amazing results with a relatively small budget. You can get very targeted subscribers for as little as $.02, that’s a list of five thousand people with just 100 dollars. A rule of thumb is to make the retargeted advertisements highly relevant to the content your visitor checked out on your website. Resources: How I Created a 7425% ROI on A Single Campaign, in 24 hours (Usually, I would give you multiple resources but this one is so comprehensive that you don’t need any other ones. Just replace the product ads with an opt-in offer and see email subscribers for as little as $0.01-$0.04)

Chapter 7: Exit Intent Popups to double or triple your Options

People leave you website for a hundred different reasons. Maybe they’re done the reading, maybe the content wasn’t relevant, or maybe they don’t have enough time to finish your 5000-word blog post. Whatever made your reader abandon the page, an exit intent popup is the last opportunity for you to try and salvage their contact information before they leave you for Good. Here are some resources and case studies for you to sink your teeth into: 7 Best Practices for Using Exit Intent Popups Top 9 Exit Intent Plugins How Digital Marketer Generated 2,689 Leads in 14 days using “On Site Retargeting” How We Increased our Email Subscribers 600% with Optin Monster How An Exit Overlay Drove a 9.81% increase in order Volume and 452% more email Subscribers     There you have it, everything you need to become a list building rockstar, but I'm not going to end there. I've put together a bonus bundle for you to take your list building to the next level. Just click on the image below to get the PDF of the List Building Guide A Bonus Chapter 10 of the best list building case studies Killer welcome email template.

Simple Tips to make money from your Website / Blog

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Friends Wanna share you something,,,, There're some people claiming the Alternates of Google, I've 5 years of Experience in BLogging, According to me,,,, I din't find any Alternate (more good output) of Google.
Some Tips

If you've not any Adsense account even receiving enough visitors then obviously you're missing something that Google wants. But inspite of that you can earn from your website by using the following ways, even I din't consider them the real alternate of Adsense but you can earn handsome amount.
1) Use Fiver and Get Direct Advertising Clients and work on daily, weekly monthly and yearly basis and make them your permanent client by providing them good services with enough sincerity.
(I tried on most of my Blogs, got enough Orders who want to put Ads on my site, Mostly worked on weekly and monthly basis - Maximum Earning (400$ a month)

2) The 2nd way which i want to share just depends upon your Visitors quality and type of traffic. Like if u've a Blog on following Niches

Books, Movies, TV Shows, Online TV and blah blah where you can't get approval of any advertising agency like Adsense, you can put Sale Base Advertisements like i did.. Drag real traffic from any source and help them to get sales, you will get very good commission for selling their products.. Like and blah blah... I tried many networks and got success but i'll suggest you the above given .....

And Ad-center is very good network... Sometime i use to get 43$ commission on a single sale and 've about 20-30K visitors on Movies blog and got 20-25 sales a day. Alhamdulillah...

Try it once guys ;) In Sha ALlah you'll get your destination ;)

Hope it will help you IN REAL.... :)

Receiving Free Text / SMS or Voice message for Approval

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Koi jazba adhoora reh geya hai,
December aansu’on mein beh geya hai,

Yeh dil khamosh ho kar reh geya hai,
Najane aaj woh kya keh geya hai,

Yeh aannkhain hain hamari kitni gehri,
Samundar mein samundar beh geya hai,

Tumhare sath wabasta tha sab kuch,
Siwaye yaad ke kya reh geya hai,

Palat kar dekhne per hum ne jana,
Dil-e-nadaan kya kya seh geya hai,

Bohat bheerr hai bazaron mein lekin,
Tera Arshad akela reh geya hai..

What are Sensitive Categories in Adsense?

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Sensitive categories

Sensitive categories are filter of categories of the Ads in Adsense which will be placed on your Blog by different Advertisers. Sensitive categories play Important role in Adsense Management either in Reputation and in CPC (Cost-per-click) too. You can chose the category of Ads to be posted on your Blog, i.e; if you have Political blog then you can Block the ads containing Religion which will increase the clicks, click rate and as well as the reputation of your Blog.

How to reach Sensitive Categories in Adsense?

If you want to find Sensitive categories in Adsense then please follow the below procedure Step By Step.

Step 1

Goto Adsense Sign In Page and Sign In to your account.

Step 2

Goto the "Allow & block ads" and click on "Sensitive categories" as given below in the Picture.

Step 3

Allow & block ads according to your blog content and enjoy the best CPC.

Please subscribe me for best Tutorials. Thanks.